I was recently reminded of a powerful life lesson that I first heard from Sean Whalen on a podcast a several years ago and it has stuck with me…
The Lighthouse vs Tugboat lesson goes like this…
The TUGBOAT can save Boats.
The LIGHTHOUSE can save Boats.
But...the way they choose to do this are DRASTICALLY different from one another.
The TUGBOAT goes out...pushes and pulls with great effort in an attempt to rescue/save individual boats…and in the process...runs itself ragged trying to get itself AND another boat to shore.
A Lighthouse stands Fixed and Simply Shines it's Light out...No Pushing...No Pulling...Just using it's light to guide ships safely to shore...Boats can choose to follow that light or not...either way the Lighthouse Stands Tall and Fixed...Continuing to Shine it's light…
How many times in your life have you tried to help someone...gone out and pushed and pulled them to go in this direction or that...only to meet resistance...and by the end of it all...your exhausted…worn out...and eventually say screw it...
I’ve spent a lot of my life with that same mentality...just being a Tugboat…
Trying to help this person...and that person...and that person...
But...what I’ve learned is that until someone DECIDES they want the help...all the pushing and pulling doesn't do a damn thing…
So what do you do???
Be the Lighthouse…
Stand Tall...Fixed...Shining your Light…
Having true CONVICTION and Knowing who you are is Infectious…
Being Authentic and REAL...is Infectious…
When you focus on becoming your Best Self and broadcast that to the world…
People will take notice…
Those who want to come into your light...WILL
Those who don't...WON’T…
But...if and when they do…
You will still be there…
Guiding the way…
Shining your Light…
It’s easy to get sucked into being a TUGBOAT…
But...in the end...when you blow your motor and need to get it replaced…
How many people are you going to be able to help???
Which one are you going to be???
I aim to be a LIGHTHOUSE...